Hongyi Stone


Slab Market (Phase I)

2021-03-30 20:48

Brief Introduction to Project

In thebeginning of 2016, Hongyi group worked jointly with Wanlong Group to create theHongyi Slab Market (Phase I).


With 100%stationing ratio, products managed by the merchants in Hongyi Slab Market(Phase I) cover yellow series marble, black series marble, white series marbleand other mainstream products. And, with the Stone Trade Department of HongyiGroup stationed in the market, Hongyi Slab Market (Phase I) becomes a newrising market of Fushan Industrial Zone.


Main Business

Hongyi Slab Market (Phase I) is a comprehensive stone slab sales platformjointly set up by Hongyi Group and Wanlong Group, and located in the core areaof Fushan Industrial Zone, which occupies a geographical advantage. At the sametime, the processing industry chain of Hongyi Group has brought completeoverall supporting services to avoid the worries of merchants after processingtheir finished products.


Indoor Setting of Hongyi Slab Market (Phase I)

Indoor Setting of Hongyi Slab Market (Phase I)

Indoor Setting of Hongyi Slab Market (Phase I)

Indoor Setting of Hongyi Slab Market (Phase I)

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Page Copyright Nan'an City, Fujian Province Hongyi Stone Industry Co., Ltd.

  Hongyi Group Telephone:0595-86006368

Page Copyright  Nan'an City, Fujian Province Hongyi Stone Industry Co., Ltd.
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Mobile official website:0595-86006328